Posted by: Michael Everett - 10/05/06 @ 11:28PM
The U.S. Army Mission Support Battalion will be exhibiting at this year's expo. They bring with them a unique simulation system that must be experienced by all attendees. Their exhibit will include an 18-wheel tractor-trailer that is a self-contained and climate controlled “Adventure Van.”
The Army Adventure Van incorporates several exhibits into one. While the specifics of the particular van appearing at the expo are unknown some example experiences may include flying or firing weapons on a helicopter, testing your skills and accuracy in operating an Abrams tank, or improving your marksmanship in firing an M9 on a simulated targeting system.
All experiences are simulated with the realism required to prepare troops for real world combat.
The U.S. Mission Support Battalion conducts professional mobile and fixed exhibits, provide multimedia and graphics support, and develop and produce marketing and incentive products to connect America’s people with America’s Army, enhance public awareness, and provide quality leads to the U.S. Army accessions effort.
The Army Adventure Van incorporates several exhibits into one. While the specifics of the particular van appearing at the expo are unknown some example experiences may include flying or firing weapons on a helicopter, testing your skills and accuracy in operating an Abrams tank, or improving your marksmanship in firing an M9 on a simulated targeting system.
All experiences are simulated with the realism required to prepare troops for real world combat.
The U.S. Mission Support Battalion conducts professional mobile and fixed exhibits, provide multimedia and graphics support, and develop and produce marketing and incentive products to connect America’s people with America’s Army, enhance public awareness, and provide quality leads to the U.S. Army accessions effort.