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Posted by: Julie Wall - 03/09/23 @ 10:22AM

As the 2023 Carolina Games Summit came to a close on Saturday, Feb 18th in Historic Downtown Wilson North Carolina, five separate venues full of consoles and PCs shut down and the last of 14 esports tournaments came to final rounds. Out of hundreds of competitors, only a chosen few walked away with a $2,000 Barton Scholarship and the title of first, second, or third place winner. Here is the complete list of this years winners!

Left to Right: Zak Gerard, 1st Place, Tyler Reynolds, 2nd Place, and John Wesley 3rd Place. Digimon tournament at Carolina Games Summit 2023.

Digimon The Card Game
1. Zachary (Zak) Gerard
2. Tyler Reynolds
3. John Wesley Bright

Fortnite Duos
1. Ashton Price
   Timoti Hornea
2. Paolo Dinu
    Mario Hornia
3. Zac Green
    Drew Greene

Left to Right: Paulo Dinu, 1st Place, Timoti Hornea, 2nd Place, and Ashton Pierce 3rd Place. Fortnite Solos No Build tournament at Carolina Games Summit 2023.

Fortnite Solos No Builds
1. Paulo Dinu
2. Timoti Hornea
3. Ashton Pierce

Left to Right Timoti Hornea 1st Place, Ashton Pierce 2nd Place, and Jaylin Richardson 3rd Place. Fortnite Solos Builds tournament at Carolina Games Summit 2023.

Fortnite Solos Builds
1. Timoti Hornea
2. Ashton Pierce
3. Jaylin Richardson

Left to Right: Winson Lee 1st Place, John Archer 2nd Place, and Jayden Nguyen 3rd Place. Gran Turismo 7 tournament at Carolina Games Summit 2023.

Gran Turismo 7
1. Winson Lee
2. John Archer
3. Jayden Nguyen

Left to Right: Ben Stallings, 1st Place, Mosieo Boone, 2nd Place, and Maxwell Goodwin 3rd Place. Guilty Gear Strive tournament at Carolina Games Summit 2023.

Guilty Gear Strive
1. Ben Stallings
2. Mosieo Boone
3. Maxwell Goodwin

Left to Right: Ali Goins First Place, Ryan Wittier-Merithew 2nd Place, and Mahalia Wittier-Merithew 3rd Place. Just Dance 2023 tournament at Carolina Games Summit 2023.

Just Dance 2023
1. Ali Goins
2. Ryan Wittier-Merithew
3. Mahalia Wittier-Merithew

Left to Right: Graham (Chris) Matthews 1st Place, Josh Rupprecht 2nd Place, and Steven 3rd Place. Magic the Gathering tournament at Carolina Games Summit 2023.

Magic the Gathering Constructed
1. Graham (Chris) Matthews
2. Josh Rupprecht
3. Steven

Left to Right: Nicholas Tucker 1st Place, George Nestor 2nd Place, and Darius Martinez 3rd Place. MarioKart 8 Deluxe tournament at Carolina Games Summit 2023.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
1. Nicholas Tucker
2. George Nestor
3. Darius Martinez

Left to Right: Brandon Culver & Austin Perry 1st Place, Braxton Oakey & Joshua Sexton 2nd Place, and Patrick Bender & Justin Haden 3rd Place. Rocket League 2v2 at Carolina Games Summit 2023.

Rocket League 2v2
1. Brandon Culver
    Austin Perry
2. Braxton Oakey
    Joshua Sexton
3. Patrick Binder
    Justin Haden

Left to Right: Shamir Hurst 1st Place, Dillan Johnson 2nd Place, and Xavier D. Battle 3rd Place. Street Fighter V tournament at Carolina Games Summit 2023.

Street Fighter V
1. Shamir Hurst
2. Dillan Johnson
3. Xavier D. Battle-Robinson

Left to Right: Geovani L & Ricardo L 1st Placeand Jamiel M & Ryan R 2nd Place. Super Smash Brothers Ultimate tournament at Carolina Games Summit 2023.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Doubles
1. Taco (Giovani L)
    Taco (Ricardo L)
2. Broken Toes (Jamiel M)
    Broken Toes (Ryan M)
3. Snow Patrol
    Snow Patrol

Left to Right: Ruben M 1st Place, Jamie B 2nd Place, and Ricardo L 3rd Place. Super Smash Brothers Ultimate Singles tournament at Carolina Games Summit 2023.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles
1. Raven (Ruben M)
2. Jamn (Jamie B)
3. ThaBeast (Ricardo L)

Left to Right: Winson Lee 1st Place, John Archer 2nd Place, and Jayden Nguyen 3rd Place. Tekken tournament at Carolina Games Summit 2023.

Tekken 7
1. Winson Lee
2. John Archer
3. Jayden Nguyen

Yu-Gi-Oh The Card Game
1. Zachary (Zak) Gerard
2. Robert Best
3. John Wesley Bright

Congratulations to all our winners, we will keep an eye out for each of you as we look forward to many more great things from each esports athlete listed above.

We would like to thank our title sponsor, Barton College and the Wilson Downtown Development Corporation, their support allowed this event to occur in Historic Downtown Wilson! Additional support was provided by our official Internet provider: Greenlight, our official computer manufacturer: ITSS, our official monitor manufacturer: BenQ, and our official accessories supplier: Corsair. We would like to thank the amazing people at each of our five venues Casita Brewing Company, Wilson Arts Center, Foundation YMCE, Imagination Station History & Science Museum, and Gig East Exchange, for providing such amazing locations and working so closely with our team!

Lastly, we would like to note that this event is run completely by volunteers who pour their time, energy, and much more into this event. Thank you to all who contributed to the 2023 Carolina Games Summit in Historic Downtown Wilson, NC.

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